Saturday, May 9, 2009

A productive day

The weather was perfectly sunny today. A great day for planting. The garden is nearly full and I can already taste the fresh tomato/basil/cucumber salad that is in our future. I love seeing so much green in the garden.

Other random thoughts and news for today:

This morning when I let the dogs out I saw through very tired eyes a blue jay enjoying himself in the bird bath. It made me happy. And then I went back to bed.

Once I started digging in the garden today I realized how loose the soil is. I think it will grow some great tasting veggies and fruit. It also made tilling up the weeds very easy. Now our garden is weed free again!

The most exciting news of the day is that the back of the house is painted! There are still a few touch-ups that need to be made but the house is (pretty much) done - and it only took us 6 months to paint! Kris worked hard today and I am grateful. We are going to celebrate tonight by watching the Project Runway Season 4 finale that was finally sent to us by Netflix. We sure know how to party!

The vegetables I planted in March are coming along somewhat slowly. I thought that I'd be picking spinach and lettuce by now, but it is not growing as quickly as I'd like. I am trying my hardest to be patient and am wondering if our soil isn't as fertile as we think it is. Perhaps I'll add some compost tomorrow to see if I can't help speed things along.

Today I planted:
  • Birdhouse gourd (1 square/1 plant)
  • Cantaloupe (1 square/2 plants)
  • Honey Dew (1 square/2 plants)
  • Butternut squash (6 squares/3 plants)
  • Acorn squash (2 squares/1 plant)
  • Edamame (1 square/9 plants)
  • Bush beans (1 square/9 plants)
  • Zucchini (8 squares/4 plants)
  • Zinnias (6 squares/6 plants)
  • Ornamental peppers (1 square/1 plant)
  • Jalapeňos (8 squares/7 plants)
  • Basil (7 squares/7 plants)
  • Cayenne Peppers (1 square/1 plant)
  • Bell peppers (3 squares/3 plants)
  • Cucumbers (1 square/1 plant)
  • Sugar pumpkins (2 squares/1 plant)
  • Heirloom pumpkins (2 squares/1 plant)
In 2 weeks I will plant another 1 square each of cantaloupe, honey dew, edamame, and green beans. And I'll plant 2 more squares of cucumber. I'm praying that everything will grow, and I'm looking forward to fresh melons in 75-90 days.

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